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Placement of table object in report

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John Staggs
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John Staggs asked on 06 Nov 2009, 10:59 PM
If I have a simple tabular report in which all data is contained in a table object, where should the table object exist in the report template?  At run-time I am binding my business object to the table itself. 

When I place the table in the detail section, there are two pages in the web viewer.  The first page has the report header and the second page has the full table of data (not paginated).  If I place the table object in any of the other sections, I get a similar effect.  However, in every case the printed report is paginated correctly.

I believe that the answer is to place the table object in the detail section and bind the business object to the report itself but in this case the table cannot contain a header row or it will be repeated for every row.  In this case I can remove the header row and place the separate table header in the page header section but then you run into a problem synchronizing the column widths between the detail row and header row. 

Is there a technique that I am missing?  What is the proper method?


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Telerik team
answered on 09 Nov 2009, 10:23 AM
Hello John,

Blank pages at the beginning of a report rendered in HTML can appear, because the DetailSection has its KeepTogether property set to true and the HTML rendering engine attempts to render it on a single page (it is later that it "realizes" that this is impossible). Since the first page contains the ReportHeader, the rendering engine tries to render the detail on the second page, which has more available space. In light of this, try setting the KeepTogether property of the DetailSection to false and/or delete the ReportHeader section of the report, if you do not need it.
If this does not help, try our latest Q3 release, where we have introduced KeepTogether functionality for the Table item as well.

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John Staggs
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