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Pie Charts will not display with strings as data, however everything else does

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Richard asked on 14 Jun 2013, 03:27 PM
It took me a full day to realize it was the way Kendo was perceiving the data and not something I was doing, to come to the conclusion that Pie charts will not display properly if the data handed to it is in a string format, however all other charts are fine. I've been working on a dashboard and passing all data to the browser in the same manner until I tried drawing pie charts. This is more of a "in-case anyone comes across this issue" or even something for the Telerik team to put in as a fix, but I made a jsbin example to demonstrate the problem

I'm just curious as to why the lines have no problem display but the pie charts do?

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Hristo Germanov
Telerik team
answered on 18 Jun 2013, 01:57 PM
Hello Richard,

String values binding for the Kendo Chart is not supported. If some of our charts works with string values it is not intentionally.

Please accept our apology for the inconvenience this may cause.

Hristo Germanov
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Hristo Germanov
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