Hi there.
I'm having an issue with the "pdf" feature when it's being executed in an environment diffent than localhost.
Consider I have Kendo UI in my ASP.Net MVC 5 application located under "/Content/js/kendoui" path. In order to make the pdf generation works, I had to add "fonts/DejaVu" under "/Content/js/kendoui/styles/" path. In my development environment, it works, because the scheduler's pdf feature looks after it under "/Content/js/kendoui/styles/fonts/DejaVu/DejaVuSans.ttf?v=1.1" url.
But when I deploy the app in another environment, that feature looks after those fonts in a totally different path! It tries to reach it under "/css/fonts/DejaVu/DejaVuSans.ttf?v=1.1" url.
Why that happens and how can I fix it?
Thanks in adv.