Hi, inside a TabStrip item (which is inside a Grid detail template) I need to call a Helper function and pass some property from the TabStrip's parent Master to it.
.Animation(animation => animation.Open(effect => effect.Fade(FadeDirection.In)))
.Items(tabstrip =>
<div id=
using Elixer_Bekostiging.Helpers
SomeProperty needs to be the ID of a document that exists in the Master Grid data, for example 486629 as shown in the attached screenshot.
GetPDF_BPVO expects an integer and returns a PDF as <object> stream (string). How can I pass the DocumentID (486629) to this Helper?
When I hardcode the value it is working as expected, now I need it to be dynamic :-)
Preferably this must be like "Get me the DocumentID from this selected row's Master property xtendisdocumentPerStamnummers where SoortDocument = B".
N.B. The other SoortDocument types (O and I) are needed inside another TabStrip Item.