How can I pass data from the client to the Read action for a MultiSelect using virtualization. Here is the declaration of the MultiSelect I'm using:
@(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(model => model.SelectedProjectIds)
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width: 100%" })
.Placeholder("- Select Project(s) -")
.DataSource(source =>
.Transport(transport =>
transport.Read("ProjectRead", "ProjectPlan");
.Schema(schema =>
.Virtual(v => v.ItemHeight(26))
I'd like to pass in some data in the Transport Read. Here is the action method for the Read:
public ActionResult ProjectRead([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
return Json((GetProjects() as List<NamedEntity>).ToDataSourceResult(request));
So, in addition to the DataSourceRequest object, I'd like to pass in a string from the client-side. How can this be done?