I'm looking for chart legend that would be created only partially so that every legend item would be shown once (not twice as it is in the exmaple chart).
Any comments on that?
3 Answers, 1 is accepted
This functionality is not available by the Chart and I can't offer you a workaround. Please excuse us for the inconvenience that this may cause.
Regards,Hristo Germanov

Couldn't figure any better solution than this out. Maybe not the most efficient way to first generate SVG, and then replace it with another, but it works :)
I missed something in a previous post and I apologize for that.
We have a visibleInLegend property that will fit in your case. You need to set it to false in this series that you don't want to show in the legend. I have updated your test sample: http://jsfiddle.net/huHVd/3/
Hristo Germanov
Hi Hristo,
Although the solution you had mentioned works, for the new kendo versions, it highlights only the first group as shown in this example Untitled | Kendo UI Dojo (telerik.com). Is there an option for the legends to highlight both groups??
Hi Ashwin,
You can overcome this by preventing the internal highlight logic and showing it manually by triggering the highlight with the toggleHighlight() method in the legendItemHover event handler. For example:
legendItemHover: function(e){
e.sender.toggleHighlight(true, e.text);
legendItemLeave: function(e) {
e.sender.toggleHighlight(false, e.text);
Dojo demo: https://dojo.telerik.com/oraDEvAq/3