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PanelBar in AngularJs

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Joe asked on 26 Oct 2015, 04:04 PM

Hi Guys,


I'm having a hard time getting along with the PanelBar and angularJs. I'm hoping "Integrates seamlessly with AngularJs" isn't just a tag line and i've overlooked something somewhere.

 I've written the functionality I am after (with the content displayed how I'd like) in pure AngularJs and this looks like the following​

I'm trying to replicate the granularity of being able to know what object behind the panelBar has been clicked on. All the entries follow the same layout and must have an image next to some text. I thought "contentUrls" may be the key there but I'm unsure as to how to use the angularJs scoped values from the item in the template file, plus also it appears I am unable to specify 1 content Url for all entries? it must be an entry for each item entry in the panel bar?

 Given the above jsfiddle implementation using just AngularJs, can anyone help me to implement the same kind of functionality in the PanelBar.

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Telerik team
answered on 28 Oct 2015, 09:06 AM

Hello Joe,


the provided JSFiddle returns 404 on my side - check screenshot. Apart from that, based on your description, my guess is that you are trying to implement a data-bound panelbar - this is possible with the dataSource configuration option


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answered on 28 Oct 2015, 09:26 AM

there's a trailing blank character after the link you have to remove. I just tried copying it into my browser and got the same 404, so had a quick play around and found the trailing character.


I searched further yesterday and found this forum post which the telerik guys response was exactly what I needed, accessing the data-bound objects from the select method to be able to access object-specific properties and methods that the panelBar does not retain directly.

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