I have an issue with my page where everything works fine except it will not go to pages 3, 5, and 11. My datasource is a list of an object in my model. I can add, save, anything except go to those pages. Below is my code from the page. I am using Kendo 2020.3.1118 (don't have a license for anything newer). If I click on the 3, nothing happens if I am on page 2 and click the next page arrow, nothing happens. If I am on page 4 and click the next page arrow nothing happens. But if I am on page 6 and click it, I go to 7, then 8, etc. until I get to 10. It only refuses those 3 pages out of the 12 that it creates for my data. The counter on the bottom right works fine. And if I take out the pageable ability, my dropdown quits working. I have only been using Kendo for about a week or so. Once I get this figured out, this project will actually be complete. It is the last issue I have to solve. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@(Html.Kendo().Grid(Model).Name("EditableGrid").Columns(c =>
c.Command(command => command.Custom("Save").SendDataKeys(true).Click("sendLO2")).Width(95);
//c.Command(command => { command.Edit(); }).Width(150);
c.Bound(f => f.ID).Title("ID").Width(95);
c.Bound(f => f.LoanOfficerID).Title("Loan OfficerID").Width(100);
c.Bound(f => f.FullName).Title("Full Name").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.FirstName).Title("First Name").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.LastName).Title("Last Name").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingLoanOfficerID).Title("Receiving Loan OfficerID").Width(150);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingFullName)
.Title("Receiving Full Name")
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingFirstName).Title("Receiving First Name").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingLastName).Title("Receiving Last Name").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.Active).Title("Active").Width(95);
c.Bound(f => f.CreatedDate).Title("Created Date").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingEmployeeID).Title("Receiving EmployeeID").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingLOID).Title("Receiving LOID").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingTitle).Title("Receiving Title").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingNMLSID).Title("Receiving NMLSID").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingMobileNumber).Title("Receiving Mobile Number").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingOfficeNumber).Title("Receiving Office Number").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingEmailAddress).Title("Receiving Email Address").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingWebsite).Title("Receiving Website").Width(150);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingBranchID).Title("Receiving BranchID").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingTandemTeamID).Title("Receiving Tandem TeamID").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingOriginationTeamID).Title("Receiving Origination TeamID").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingPictureURL).Title("Receiving Picture URL").Width(150);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingQRCodeURL).Title("Receiving QRCode URL").Width(150);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingActive).Title("Receiving Active").Width(95);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingDateCreated).Title("Receiving Date Created").Width(125);
c.Bound(f => f.ReceivingCreatedBy).Title("Receiving Created By").Width(125);
.ToolBar(toolbar => toolbar.Create())
.Editable(editable => editable.Mode(GridEditMode.InCell))
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:650px;" })
.DataSource(DataSource => DataSource
.Update(update => update.Action("SaveLO", "Home"))
.Create(update => update.Action("SaveLO", "Home"))
.Model(model =>
model.Id(p => p.ID);
model.Field(p => p.ReceivingFullName).DefaultValue(ViewData["defaultLO"] as Nova.ReceivingLO_LO.MVC.Models.LOOptions);
.Resizable(resize => resize.Columns(true))