Hi ,
Hope you can help . I have a grid that is using SP via Enity Framework . If I do not using paging it pulls back all the records . However when I enable Paging it shows the correct number of pages but will only show the first 10 records ( or how many I set in PageSize() ) if I click on page 2, 3, , etc I see the same records .
This is my grid
@model IEnumerable<SchoolsDisruptionPortal.Models.spSchoolsUserID_Result>
ViewBag.Title =
).Columns(c =>
c.Bound(p => p.FriendlyName).Title(Resource.SchoolName).Width(450);
c.Bound(p => p.Full_Name).Title(Resource.FullName).Width(300);
c.Bound(p => p.Username).Title(Resource.UserName).Width(200);
.ToolBar(tools => tools.Excel().Text(Resource.Export)).Excel(excel => excel.FileName(@Resource.SchoolUser +
.DataSource ( d => d
I know it`s going to be something simple . It`s not a major requierment to my project but would make it look cleaner .