I have an need to change the tabstrip backcolor to something other than the theme color when there is certain information in a tab. So far I have been able to use this:
Dim pageViewStripElement = TryCast(DirectCast((tcOrganization.ViewElement).ContentArea, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPageViewContentAreaElement).Owner, RadPageViewStripElement)
DirectCast(pageViewStripElement, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPageViewElement).Items(1).NumberOfColors = 1
DirectCast(pageViewStripElement, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPageViewElement).Items(1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
That works fine if you mouse over the tab button but I want it to stay that color even in a state that is not moused over or selected. How can I accomplish this without out using the theme builder. I need to be able to have this happen for separate tabs on different forms so being able to accomplish this programatically is a must. Thanks for any help!
Dim pageViewStripElement = TryCast(DirectCast((tcOrganization.ViewElement).ContentArea, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPageViewContentAreaElement).Owner, RadPageViewStripElement)
DirectCast(pageViewStripElement, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPageViewElement).Items(1).NumberOfColors = 1
DirectCast(pageViewStripElement, Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadPageViewElement).Items(1).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Yellow
That works fine if you mouse over the tab button but I want it to stay that color even in a state that is not moused over or selected. How can I accomplish this without out using the theme builder. I need to be able to have this happen for separate tabs on different forms so being able to accomplish this programatically is a must. Thanks for any help!