For instance the thumbnail -
thumbnailUrl: function (path, name) {
//alert(path + name)
path = myDir + "/Test/images/"
return path + name;
- can be overridden by calling this function passing the variables. I am curious as to if there is a work around for "uploadUrl:" aswell.
As of now it will not let me use a function or define a url inside the Definition.
This will not work-
uploadUrl: function (passedValue?) {
//perform ajax
If this is possible i have not came acrossed what values are being passed.
i know the return value must be formatted like this-
{ "name": "foo.png", "type": "f", "size": 12345 }
This is the only format that will work and it doesnt call my Action.
uploadUrl: "UploadFile.aspx/Upload",
thumbnailUrl: function (path, name) {
//alert(path + name)
path = myDir + "/Test/images/"
return path + name;
- can be overridden by calling this function passing the variables. I am curious as to if there is a work around for "uploadUrl:" aswell.
As of now it will not let me use a function or define a url inside the Definition.
This will not work-
uploadUrl: function (passedValue?) {
//perform ajax
If this is possible i have not came acrossed what values are being passed.
i know the return value must be formatted like this-
{ "name": "foo.png", "type": "f", "size": 12345 }
This is the only format that will work and it doesnt call my Action.
uploadUrl: "UploadFile.aspx/Upload",