Other Tab into the main Tab

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TabStrip TabStrip (Mobile)
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zahra asked on 20 Jun 2022, 05:27 AM


I found bug into the Items of Tab component.

When you create Tab and write 3 TabItems for it, all of the component are correct but when you want create other tab into the first or second part of TabItem with 2 tabitems, you will expect to see one main Tab with 3 TabItems and other Tab with 2 Tabitems into the first tabItem of first Tab. But you will see one Tab with 5 Tabitems So main Tab merge all of TabItems with together.

<Tab id="mainTab">
    <TabItem id="item1">
          <Tab id="childTab">
               <TabItem id="childItem1">
                    Content 1
                  <TabItem id="childItem2">
                    Content 2
     <TabItem id="item2">
             Content 2
     <TabItem id="item3">
             Content 3

Thanks for solving this problem or for guiding me.

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jun 2022, 01:06 PM

Hello, Zahra,

If I correctly understand the issue, you wish to have a second tabstrip in the first tab of the "parent" TabStrip. If that is the case, please refer to this Dojo example for a possible implementation. If it does not help you to resolve the problem, kindly modify the example so that I can observe the issue. 

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TabStrip TabStrip (Mobile)
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