Hello, either there is a memory leak with grid's (when used with a filter) or I'm using it wrong. I'm hoping that I'm using it wrong! So I've created a jsfiddle that demonstrates the problem below. The problem seems to be that when i reload the grid (by removing the grid first) it seems to leave the hidden k-filter-menu behind in the dom. If you keep on clicking reload you will eventually run out of memory. You can best see the problem if you load up firefox + firebug. Inspect the grid and click reload, you'll notice the orphaned filter forms keep on adding up.
ps. i didn't bother create a fiddle for it, but the same problem exists for any kendo object that maintains a hidden form element (i'm generalizing but i've definitely seen it on the DropDownList, ComboBox)
ps. i didn't bother create a fiddle for it, but the same problem exists for any kendo object that maintains a hidden form element (i'm generalizing but i've definitely seen it on the DropDownList, ComboBox)