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On PageViewPage load; bind controls on page

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Adrian asked on 07 Jul 2011, 02:41 PM
I want to find a way to programatically detect if a PageViewPage has just loaded so that I could bind the controls that are on that page?
Method SelectedPageChanged works great when you click on the handle of a Page, but it is not what I am needing.

Just so you understand my situation; I have a top level RadPageView with many PageViewPages (Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D, Section E...etc...etc). Inside each one of the PageViewPages, I have another RadPageView control with many PageViewPages of its own (Section E - Page 1, Section E - Page 2). Please see attached screenshot for details.

For instance, when I click on one of the PageViewPages (Section E) of the top level RadPageView; I want to detect which PageViewPage of the lower level RadPageView control is visible and active, so that I can popluate all controls on that PageViewPage only, with values from the database.
How can this be accomplished?

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Telerik team
answered on 13 Jul 2011, 10:05 AM
Hi Adrian,

Thank you for contacting us.

I tested your case using a RadPageView with two Pages. Each of the Pages contain one RadPageView instance with another two Pages. Each of the inner Pages contains two controls: either RadButtons or RadCheckBoxes.

The following code snippet illustrates how to reach the controls in the active Page of the nested RadPageViews, i.e. the RadButtons and the RadCheckBoxes:

public Form1()
    new RadControlSpyForm().Show();
    this.radPageView1.SelectedPageChanged += new EventHandler(radPageView1_SelectedPageChanged);
    this.radPageView2.SelectedPageChanged += new EventHandler(radPageView1_SelectedPageChanged);
    this.radPageView3.SelectedPageChanged += new EventHandler(radPageView1_SelectedPageChanged);
private void radPageView1_SelectedPageChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadPageViewPage selectedPage = radPageView1.SelectedPage;
    foreach (Control control in selectedPage.Controls)
        RadPageView nestedPageView = control as RadPageView;
        if (nestedPageView != null)
            RadPageViewPage selectedNestedPage = nestedPageView.SelectedPage;
            foreach (Control nestedControl in selectedNestedPage.Controls)
private void SetControlsText(Control control)
    //implement your own logic here
    control.Text = "This Page is Active";

I hope you find this useful. Let me know whether the above suggestion helps.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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