I'm using the RadOffice2007ScreenTipElement to show errors for rows within my RadGridView. When the ScreenTip displays, the html text is shown with weird spacing and odd vertical alignment for certain words.
I've attached a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Take a look at the ScreenTip and notice the word "job" within the error "Blank job group code." There also seems to be extra spacing after that word, and after the word "EEO".
Here is the relevant code snippet:
private void RadGridView1_ScreenTipNeeded(object sender, ScreenTipNeededEventArgs e)
var cell = e.Item as GridDataCellElement;
if (cell != null)
switch (cell.ColumnInfo.Name)
case "errorimage":
int rowIndex = radGridView1.Rows.IndexOf(radGridView1.CurrentRow);
if (rowIndex > -1)
if (cell.RowElement.RowInfo.Cells["errortext"].Value.ToString() != "")
var screenTip = new RadOffice2007ScreenTipElement();
screenTip.CaptionLabel.Margin = new Padding(3);
screenTip.CaptionLabel.Text = "Job Error(s)";
screenTip.MainTextLabel.Text = cell.RowElement.RowInfo.Cells["errortext"].Value.ToString().Trim();
screenTip.EnableCustomSize = true;
e.Delay = 50;
e.Item.ScreenTip = screenTip;
e.Item.ScreenTip = null;
Is there any way to fix this?