So we're using a NumericTextBox that is responsible for keeping count of grid elements (it can be higher than the grid count, but not lower). I've found that when I modify the value of the NumericTextBox from Javascript the value displayed on the page doesn't reflect the addition until mouseover. Here is the code that increases the value after a new grid row is created, and the value is accurately reflecting the total number of elements, but for some reason only displays the updated value when the user mouses over the NumericTextBox. Any help would be much appreciated.
var grid = $(args.sender.options.table).parents('.k-grid');
var count = $('.k-input[name$="Count"]');
if (count) {
var modelName = count.attr('name').split('.')[0];
var crewCount = count.data("kendoNumericTextBox").value();
var totalCrew = args.sender.data().length;
if (totalCrew > crewCount) {
So we're using a NumericTextBox that is responsible for keeping count of grid elements (it can be higher than the grid count, but not lower). I've found that when I modify the value of the NumericTextBox from Javascript the value displayed on the page doesn't reflect the addition until mouseover. Here is the code that increases the value after a new grid row is created, and the value is accurately reflecting the total number of elements, but for some reason only displays the updated value when the user mouses over the NumericTextBox. Any help would be much appreciated.
var grid = $(args.sender.options.table).parents('.k-grid');
var count = $('.k-input[name$="Count"]');
if (count) {
var modelName = count.attr('name').split('.')[0];
var crewCount = count.data("kendoNumericTextBox").value();
var totalCrew = args.sender.data().length;
if (totalCrew > crewCount) {