I am trying to apply localization for currency using the NumericTextBox, but I am not observing any changes when I apply a locale.
I can't piece together how to apply localization for a specific country/locale (e.g.,Germany; "de") on load.
Is the application of the localization set as an attribute within the <kendo-numerictextbox> tag, or should I be applying the localization within a method.
Here is what I have so far:
selector: 'my-app',
template: `
<kendo-numerictextbox format="c3" locale="de" [(ngModel)]="numericValue" [min]="-10" [max]="100" [autoCorrect]="false">
increment="Custom increment"
decrement="Custom decrement"
<div>Underlying Value:<input type="number" [(ngModel)]="numericValue"></div>
export class AppComponent {
public numericValue: number = 987654.321;
I would expect the value to be displayed as "987.654,321 €".
9 Answers, 1 is accepted
When the "format" input of the NumericTextBox is set to display numbers as currency units, the default unit for the culture, as set locally, will be used. If you would like to target a specific locale, different than the browser's default one, you can use the approach, described and demonstrated in the following documentation articles:
I have prepared a simple example, based on the provided NumericTextBox markup, and loading the DE locale info in the app.module.ts file:
I hope this helps.
Dimiter Topalov
Progress Telerik
It appears that
was missing from the systemjs.config.js. Once added, then the example functioned.
It appears that
was missing from systemjs.config.js. After adding it, then the example worked as described.
It appears that
"tslib": "https://unpkg.com/tslib@1.7.1",
was missing from systemjs.config.js. Once I added it, then the example worked as described.
It appears that "tslib: https://unpkg.com/tslib@1.7.1,"
was missing from systemjs.config.js. Once I added it, then the example worked as described.
Is there a way to support ISO 4217 values rather than a currency symbol?
(Apologies for all the other posts, but your web site was indicating an error when I posted. I was unaware that they were all, actually, successful posts)
I am sorry about the Plunker issue. It was caused by SystemJS specific requirements for including tslib like you have done. The issue was addressed on our end such that all new Plunkers, opened from our online examples will work as expected, but older plunkers, created before this change will need adding this line of code in the SystemJS config file in the "map" object:
"tslib: https://unpkg.com/tslib@1.7.1,"
To display the currency code instead of its symbol (e.g. USD instead of $), you can bind the format input to a NumberFormatOptions object and specify currencyDisplay as "code":
Let me know whether this is the desired functionality.
Dimiter Topalov
Progress Telerik