var kRegion = jQuery("#kendoRegion").kendoDropDownList({
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
optionLabel: {
text: "Select a Region...",
value: ""
dataSource: fRegions,
enable: hasValues,
index: 0,
change: onChange
var kCountry = jQuery("#kendoCountry").kendoDropDownList({
autoBind: false,
enable: false,
cascadeFrom: "kendoRegion",
optionLabel: "Select Country",
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
dataSource: []
When index is passed the onChange event does not fire.
cascade does enable kCountry, but it is the onChange event which loads the datasource for the selected kRegion; some kRegion selections may or may not have second level values.
How can the Change event be made to fire the selected option for kRegion?
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
optionLabel: {
text: "Select a Region...",
value: ""
dataSource: fRegions,
enable: hasValues,
index: 0,
change: onChange
var kCountry = jQuery("#kendoCountry").kendoDropDownList({
autoBind: false,
enable: false,
cascadeFrom: "kendoRegion",
optionLabel: "Select Country",
dataTextField: "text",
dataValueField: "value",
dataSource: []
When index is passed the onChange event does not fire.
cascade does enable kCountry, but it is the onChange event which loads the datasource for the selected kRegion; some kRegion selections may or may not have second level values.
How can the Change event be made to fire the selected option for kRegion?