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New Release Changes, how to overcome?

1 Answer 70 Views
Scheduler and Reminder
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Versile asked on 05 Nov 2009, 08:14 PM
Previously I had a lot of customized behaviour in RadScheduler, so far most of it seems to have remained the same with the new release. I need to use the new release as it appears to have fixed the memory leaks introduced with the last release - but need to find workarounds for the new behaviour.

Previous Release in MonthView:

Clicking the "header" of a cell element caused the header cell element to highlight. I could multi-select a number of headers and then right click in the header area where I performed custom events.

New Release: 

Clicking on header does nothing. Right clicking on header or appointment now brings up "Next/Previous". I need to find a way to disable the "Next/Previous" dialog and continue to use my previous dialog, and continue to be able to multi-select headers.

New Release:

Now when I'm using raddropdownitem and raditems in a stacked (so you have one menu, then a submenu off that) when you want to click on the submenu, you have to click "once" to select it? And then again to select the item (no focus to submenu unless I click)

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Telerik team
answered on 09 Nov 2009, 05:31 PM
Hello Versile,

Please find the answers to your questions in your ticket on the same subject.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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Scheduler and Reminder
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