After upgrading my MAUI application to .NET 9 and installing Telerik.UI.for.Maui 8.0, I've noticed an issue with DataGrid :
Here is a repro project : GitHub
- Start the app
- Go to Options
- Go to Third Page (DataGrid shows up)
- Go back to Options
- Go to Third Page again (DataGrid disappears...)
It was working with .Net 8 and Telerik.UI.for.Maui 7.0
A fix would be appreciated.
Here is the correct title : RadDataGrid disappears when shown a second time
After changing app theme mechanism - please view my other support ticket (https://www.telerik.com/forums/net-9-radlistpicker-doesn-t-respect-app-theme), the problem still occurs
Hi Jerome,
I download the app still cannot build it on my side. Could you please check the project in GitHub and let me know whether it works? Also the versions for maui, Telerik, community toolkit weren't specified so I have added such, still project cannot be build due to issues on android manifest, icons, etc, not related to Telerik controls.
You can attach the project here, just delete bin and obj folders and archive the project.
Hi Didi,
The apps compiles without any issue on my side and starts one Android 29 emulator (Pixel 5).
All nugets are referenced in Directory.Packages.props
Maybe you can try a clean build (git clean -fdx and clean solution before compiling)
Hi Jerome,
After few tests and cleaning the project it was build as expected. I tested on android emulator using the provided steps and reproduced the behavior. I have logged it here: https://feedback.telerik.com/maui/1673700-datagrid-rows-and-columns-do-not-display-when-navigating-for-a-second-time-to-the-page-with-the-control-project-targets-net-9-and-singleton-approach-is-used
I can suggest you use the net 8 project with Telerik maui 8.0.0 and maui version 8.0.100. I tested this setup and it works as expected.
Side note: I reviewed the page where the DataGrid is defined and the control is added inside stack. Please avoid this. This is described here: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/maui/controls/datagrid/getting-started#visualize-sample-data