I am trying to format a cell in a grid differently based another cell in the row's value (i.e. format a currency cell with its proper currency symbol from another column, with multiple different currencies in the same grid).
The column that must be formatted is in a grid that is part of a client detail template for another grid. The way I have worked out to accomplish the formatting in a top level grid is a client template on the column that calls a Javascript function. I pass the implicitly defined "data" object in the client template to the function to access the row data.
"#= formatCurrency(data) #"
The problem is that, for a child grid in a client detail template, the data that I receive in the function is not the row of the child grid, but the row of the parent grid.
I have attached models, views, and controllers demonstrating the issue. I am using C# MVC and the Razor view engine, but if this is not possible with razor, I could switch to HTML5/Javascript.
Thanks for any help you can provide.