I'm converting a jquery mobile app, a few pages at a time, and one page that is a kendo mobile ui page with 3 views:
1. tasklistfilterview is a view with an mvvm form that provides filtering info and then navigates to views 2 or 3 when they press the Go button.
2. tasklistgridview - shows results from view 1 in a grid
3. tasklistlistview - shows results from view 1 in a list
The user can then click a list item or grid item href with data-rel="external" that takes them to a detail view of the item.
My problem is when the user presses the back button, the grid or list views are shown as empty views with data-role="scollapsible". I'd like to show the filterview.
I've tried: kendo.mobile.application.navigate("tasklistfilterview") in the jquery ready event.