Hi there I have a line chart with grouped data and narrowRange: true set.
When one of my datapoints has a null value it seems that narrow range is ignored. Folks are choosing series from a dropdown and when one series has a null the scale changes suddenly which isn't ideal.
Here is a fiddle with all datapoints for each line and narrowRange working well- http://jsfiddle.net/jriley17/vDdmt/
and here is one with a null value for one of the points - http://jsfiddle.net/jriley17/j83Sk/
When one of my datapoints has a null value it seems that narrow range is ignored. Folks are choosing series from a dropdown and when one series has a null the scale changes suddenly which isn't ideal.
Here is a fiddle with all datapoints for each line and narrowRange working well- http://jsfiddle.net/jriley17/vDdmt/
and here is one with a null value for one of the points - http://jsfiddle.net/jriley17/j83Sk/