Hi there,
I need some help with the "conversion" of a datasource into a view model.
I made a simple page for test and I started it with some local JSON, the page is the following one:
<div id="mvvm">
<span data-bind="text: title"></span>
<div id="chart" data-role="chart" data-bind="source: dsChart" ....... />
var view = kendo.observable({ title: "TEST", dsChart: [{ Name: "John", Surname: "West" }] });
kendo.bind($("#mvvm"), view);
This worked just fine. After it I decide to move on and bind the view with remote data from a WCF application. The application returns exactly the same JSON I wrote in the view: { title: "TEST", dsChart: [{ Name: "John", Surname: "West" }]
So I added the remote datasource in the code:
var view = kendo.observable({ model: new kendo.data.DataSource({ transport: { read: { data: "http....", dataType: "json" }}}});
when I did this the application stopped working, so I tried to change kendo.bind like I saw in some post here:
kendo.bind($("#mvvm"), view.model);
kendo.bind($("#mvvm"), view.model.view());
kendo.bind($("#mvvm"), view.model.view()[0]);
Of course none of this code worked... Would you please help me understand what I'm doing wrong here. This is just a simple test, but what I'm trying to do is to get all the data ( labels, texts, styles, datasource for grids and charts ) as JSON from web service and build the page with view model.