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mvvm issue in Chrome

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Shaun asked on 11 Jul 2014, 09:08 AM

I am trying to use the editor in an mvvm mobile web app.
It works in firefox as seen in the attached screenshot.
In chrome however it comes up with an error message : Cannot read property '0' of undefined

Both firefox and chrome are updated to the latest version.
the editor is configured like this : 

<textarea data-role="editor" data-tools="['bold']" data-bind="value: selectedContact.ContactNotes" class="stdTextArea"></textarea>

Any idea what's going on ?

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Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
answered on 15 Jul 2014, 06:27 AM
Hi Stuart,

This isn't a known issue and we would need to see your code in order to reproduce it. You can try updating this demo so it matches your setup:

Atanas Korchev
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Atanas Korchev
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