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MVC Wrapper breaking on second call

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Harper asked on 12 May 2014, 07:10 PM
I set up a window using the Fluent wrappers like so:

I have a JavaScript function (wired to a grid's custom command  - but I don't think that's relevant) that opens the window and refreshes it based on the grid data:
function popupDetailsWindow(e, a){
     var detailsWindow = $('#detailsWindow').data('kendoWindow');
     var item = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
     var url = '@Url.Action("Details", "Controller", new { id = "__id__" })';
     var refreshUrl = url.replace('__id__', item.ItemId);

This works fine the first time, then fails on the refresh() call, with an error that 'detailsWindow' is undefined. When I remove the MVC helper code, put in a div with Id "detailsWindow", and call $('detailsWindow').kendoWIndow(); after the document loads, it works fine. Is this a bug in the wrapper code, or am I doing something wrong?

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Alexander Popov
Telerik team
answered on 14 May 2014, 10:36 AM
Hello Harper,

It looks like the Window's HTML element does not exist the second time popupDetailsWindow is executed, hence the detailsWindow becomes undefined. Sharing code snippets, live link, or ideally - a runnable sample project where the issue is reproduced would help us pinpoint the exact reason for this behavior and advise you further. 

Alexander Popov
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Alexander Popov
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