I defened in my model a range for my field:
? SpringA1 {
I have a grid with a template editor with my field :
@Html.kendo().IntergerTexBoxFor(model => model.SpringA1)
My problem is when I enter a value out of range the control change the value to min or max range instead of showing a range error message.
ex : if You enter a value of 3000 with the keyboard and lose focus from the input or save the form, the value will be rounded to the max value of 2043.
If I init de Deferred property to true
@Html.kendo().IntergerTexBoxFor(model => model.SpringA1).Deferred(
the message is correctly showed but the control is not rendered properly, no css and no span for increment the value.
what I can do for prevent the control to round the value and show the message.