We have found radchartview rly powerfull tool for our custom reporting. With that in mind we have hit small issue with recognizing which series is using which y-axis. On following example (attachment) we got 9 different series using 3 different y-axis (or to be correct 3series from which 3 different values is shown).
Now the main question is, how can we make this more readable? Atm it's on terrible shape if it got more then 1 serie of values shown (=3different values from 1 serie). Having one y-axis using different style (bars) could work, but that doesn't help with 3+ y-Axis. Is there any clear solution atm or do we have to life with the limitations it got atm?
We have found radchartview rly powerfull tool for our custom reporting. With that in mind we have hit small issue with recognizing which series is using which y-axis. On following example (attachment) we got 9 different series using 3 different y-axis (or to be correct 3series from which 3 different values is shown).
Now the main question is, how can we make this more readable? Atm it's on terrible shape if it got more then 1 serie of values shown (=3different values from 1 serie). Having one y-axis using different style (bars) could work, but that doesn't help with 3+ y-Axis. Is there any clear solution atm or do we have to life with the limitations it got atm?