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Multiple Popups per Page

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Chris asked on 08 Apr 2021, 06:11 AM

Is it possible to have more than one RadPopup on a page? When I try to add a second popup I get an "The property 'Popup' is set more than once." error when trying to build.




<!-- Loading Overlay -->
    <telerikPrimitives:RadPopup x:Name="loadingPopup" IsOpen="{Binding IsBusy}" IsModal="True" OutsideBackgroundColor="#6FFFFFFF" Placement="Center">
        <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">
            <ActivityIndicator IsRunning="true" />
<!-- New Log Entry Overlay -->
    <telerikPrimitives:RadPopup x:Name="newLogEntryPopup" IsOpen="{Binding ShowNewLogEntryPopup}" IsModal="True" OutsideBackgroundColor="#6FFFFFFF" Placement="Center">
        <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">
            <Frame BackgroundColor="White" HasShadow="True">
                <Label TextColor="{StaticResource NavigationPrimary}" FontSize="20" Margin="0,0,0,15" >Enter New Reading</Label>

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answered on 12 Apr 2021, 02:51 PM

Hello Chris,

The Xamarin.Forms framework does not allow to set properties twice. This is the reason why the error message is displayed.

If the scenario is first to display a popup with a loading indicator and when it loads to display another popup with some different content in it, I can suggest two possibilities:

1.  Use BusyIndicator control and when the IsBusy property is set to false -> display the Popup. More information about BusyIndicator can be found in this help article.

2. Have a logic in your code behind or ViewModel which will change the Content property of your popup between two views. One for the loading screen of the popup and another for its desired content after the loading finishes.

Next steps:

If this isn't the case and you want to accomplish something different, may I ask you to give us more information about the scenario you want to achieve?

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