When there are multiple category axes and negative values are present on a column chart, the axis labels collapse down to one line rather than being stacked as normal. For example:
seriesDefaults: {
type: "column"
series: [{
name: "Sales",
data: [10, 20, -0.5, 0, 100, 0],
valueAxis: [{
majorGridLines: { visible: false },
title: { text: "Sales" },
categoryAxis: [{
categories: ["Order", "Invoice", "Credit Memo", "Order", "Invoice", "Credit Memo"],
majorGridLines: { visible: false },
}, {
categories: ["Item", "Resources"],
line: { visible: false },
majorGridLines: { visible: false },
title: { text: "Type & Document Type" },
Note that the 2 category axes labels simply collapse on top of one another with the words "Item" and "Invoice" on top of one another and the words "Resources" and "Invoice" on top of one another. If I change the 3rd value in the series data from -0.5 to just 0.5, then the problem goes away and the 2 category axes are displayed correctly, one above the other.
This behavior seems like a bug since the axes are displayed correctly when the chart contains just positive values, but not if a negative value is present. Is there some setting I'm missing?
seriesDefaults: {
type: "column"
series: [{
name: "Sales",
data: [10, 20, -0.5, 0, 100, 0],
valueAxis: [{
majorGridLines: { visible: false },
title: { text: "Sales" },
categoryAxis: [{
categories: ["Order", "Invoice", "Credit Memo", "Order", "Invoice", "Credit Memo"],
majorGridLines: { visible: false },
}, {
categories: ["Item", "Resources"],
line: { visible: false },
majorGridLines: { visible: false },
title: { text: "Type & Document Type" },
Note that the 2 category axes labels simply collapse on top of one another with the words "Item" and "Invoice" on top of one another and the words "Resources" and "Invoice" on top of one another. If I change the 3rd value in the series data from -0.5 to just 0.5, then the problem goes away and the 2 category axes are displayed correctly, one above the other.
This behavior seems like a bug since the axes are displayed correctly when the chart contains just positive values, but not if a negative value is present. Is there some setting I'm missing?