I am using MultiColumnComboBox in my application which binds to the datasource correctly but when I click the dropdown button, the list does not render properly. All the data shows in one column. The column headings render properly though.
"col-md-6 col-sm-12"
.FilterFields(new string[] { "emp_first_name", "emp_last_name", "emp_company" })
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Add().Field("emp_badge_no").Title("Badge No").Width(100);
columns.Add().Field("emp_first_name").Title("First Name").Width(200);
columns.Add().Field("emp_last_name").Title("Last Name").Width(100);
.FooterTemplate("Total #: instance.dataSource.total() # items found")
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:100%;" })
.DataSource(source => source
.Transport(transport => transport
.Read(read =>
read.Action("GetAllEmployees", "CourseTrainer").Data("onAdditionalData");
and here is the code for GetAllEmployees
public JsonResult GetAllEmployees(string badgeNo)
var items = db.EmployeeMasters.AsQueryable();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(badgeNo))
items = items.Where(p => p.emp_badge_no == badgeNo);
var data = items.Select(p => new { p.id, p.emp_badge_no, p.emp_first_name, p.emp_last_name, p.emp_company });
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I have 2018.3.1017.545 version of Kendo.mvc.dll. Below image shows how the data is render in the drop down.