Here is some mock data:
{ Date: "10/15/2013", Alpha: .13, Beta: 3.63, Delta:22.18, Gamma: 25.94 },
{ Date: "10/16/2013", Alpha: 32.35, Beta: 20.25, Delta: 29.08, Gamma: 81.68 },
I have 4 series defined in my line chart for each of the data points. I have set the first three to be stacked lines and the fourth (Gamma) to be non-stacked line on a second axis. Both axes are set to min:0 and max: 100, I am expecting the Gamma point to be at its true data value - for example 25.94 in the first data set above, because it is not stacked. Instead it is still stacking, therefore being graphed at 51.82.
If I change the fourth series to area or bar, it works as expected, without changing anything else.