In my diagram I have an event handler on the 'select'; so once a selection of 1 or more shapes is selected then the function fires and the args.selection is stored in a variable. As what is stated is that the args.selection is an array of shapes and/or connections.
I then have a javascript function that gets called when a button is clicked and the following javascript code is run....
function arrangeH(item) {
if (selection === null || selection.length === 1) { return true; }
var diagram = $("#diagram").data("kendoDiagram");
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
var shapeId = selection[i].id;
if (selection[i] instanceof kendo.dataviz.diagram.Shape) {
var posX = selection[i]._bounds.x; posX = Math.round(posX);
var posY = item._bounds.y; posY = Math.round(posY);
console.log('recorded position for: ' + shapeId);
type: "POST", url: "ReportOutMap.aspx/saveMapPos", data: "{p1:'" + posX + "',p2:'" + posY + "',p3:'" + encodeURIComponent(shapeId) + "',p4:'false'}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", sync: "false"
}).done(function (values) {
console.log('saved position for: ' + shapeId);
selection[i].position(new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Point(posX, posY));
}).fail(function (xhr, textstatus) { console.log('failed to save position for: ' + shapeId); });
The purpose of this function is to place all the shapes on the same Y axis point as the shape passed to the function. However, when this is run the new position is stored in the database BUT the actual visual position of the shape does not move. When I look at the browser console log pane, there is a javascript error stating the following...
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'position' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (ReportOutMap.aspx:876)
at i (jquery.min.js?v=1:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?v=1:2)
at y (jquery.min.js?v=1:4)
at XMLHttpRequest.c (jquery.min.js?v=1:4)
I feel like I am missing something, but the selection[i] has been identified as a shape?