Zooming In and Out works well in Chrome, but I just realised it never zooms In in Firefox. By scrolling the mouse wheel both ways it always zooms Out.
Any Idea what could affect that issue? Thanks in advance!
Here is my diagram, I also tried to remove all properties, but that didn't change the described on top behaviour, nothing specific:
var kendoDiagram = diagram.kendoDiagram({
dataSource: shapesDataSource,
connectionsDataSource: connectionsDataSource,
shapeDefaults: {
editable: {
tools: false
visual: visualTemplate,
content: {
template: '#= typeof dataItem.customData === "undefined" || typeof dataItem.customData.status === "undefined" || dataItem.customData.status === "" ? dataItem.text : dataItem.customData.status #'
connectionDefaults: {
editable: {
tools: false
startCap: "FilledCircle",
endCap: 'ArrowEnd',
type: "polyline"
dragEnd: function(e) {
var el = e.connections[0];
if (typeof el !== 'undefined') {
var source = el.sourceConnector,
target = el.targetConnector;
if( typeof source == 'undefined' || typeof target == 'undefined') {
//console.log('connection is not connected both sides!');
el.options.stroke.color = '#ff0000';
el.options.hover.stroke.color = '#ff0000';
} else {
el.options.stroke.color = '#2e2e2e';
el.options.hover.stroke.color = '#2e2e2e';
change: function (e) {
var element = e.added[0];
if (element && element instanceof kendo.dataviz.diagram.Shape) {
var dataItem = element.dataItem;
var point = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Point(dataItem.x, dataItem.y);
pannable: {
key: "shift"
editable: {
resize: false,
tools: false
zoomMax: 3.5,
zoomMin: 0.2,
click: function(e) {