I have project in which I have hierarchical data to show. It's basically device controlling project in which multiple first layer parent device which has multiple child device/second layer parent (which again has multiple child / next layer parent so on). I want to display this hierarchical data on my home page which can collapse/expand every parent. Along with the display I want to add more item to every parent (like checkbox in parent header to select/deselect all child of that parent).
The Listview is showing this kind of data but up to one layer only and it not allow me to add other control to header. Can anyone suggest how can I accomplish this?
I want to display data like below:
Parent Header (with some more control like checkbox)
child1 child2 child3 child4 child5 - horizontally align (all child has checkbox to select/deselect and Small icon image)
Second layer parent (with some more control like checkbox)
child1 child2 child3 child4 - same as above
Parent Header
Multiple Childs
Second Layer Parent
Multiple Childs