Hi, I am using RadControls for WinForms SP2 (Q2 2010) and trying to render a stock price line chart, of which each price is a daily price. The prices are rendering ok however I have an issue with the x axis which I believe is affecting how the data is ultimately rendered.
Each item in the series is a daily price for the given stock, along with the date on which the price relates to. On the X axis we want to just show monthly points, so for our example where we are rendering a chart of daily stock prices, each axis label on the x axis would show the month (Jan, Feb, Mar etc). The code we are using (VB.net) to set the x axis label is:
chrtVBA.PlotArea.XAxis.AddRange(xMin, xMax, 30)
…where xMin and xMax are the minimum and maximum dates in the series (converted using .ToOADate()).
As you can see, we are specifying 30 as the step value, however I beleive that because there aren’t 30 days in every month the X axis labels becomes out of sync with the plotted points. Is there a specific method to call or property we can set so that the x axis correctly shows the correct month?
I have attached an example of what the chart currently looks like, we have checked the stock prices and they do appear to be out of sync with the x axis, for example a price which appears to be for late August on the rendered chart should be showing for early September. For information; the xMin and xMax values used to render this chart were 09/12/2010 and 09/12/2011 respectively (not We did call .ToOADate() to convert.
Thanks for you help.