Modify week view in RadCalendar

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Calendar - Xamarin.Android Calendar & Scheduling
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Itzik asked on 16 Jul 2024, 10:21 AM


I im using the RadCalendar on mode day (image attached) and i need to modify the upper week days line - to be smaller and include only the day of month, and exclude the abbreviated daily tasks.

I couldnt find any lead in the documentations.
I have created custom renderer but i really struggle to find the right way to achieve this.


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Telerik team
answered on 16 Jul 2024, 01:43 PM

Hello Itzik,

All customizations that are not exposed in Xamarin.Forms RadCalendar level can be achieved with customizations using the native Calendar control. Here is the native android Calendar docs: 

I have attached the renderer files you can use as a base. The files include many customization options. There are comments.

In general, you can reduce the height of the week by using the following code in the renderer: 

        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<RadCalendar> e)

            if (this.Control != null)
                // customization for week view
                //this.Control.WeekHeightRequest = 20;

In order to remove the appointments, you have to find a way to replace the view or use an additional property. If you need help with the custom development, you can contact the 

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Dan Avni
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commented on 09 Oct 2024, 11:30 AM

1. Very nice, thanks!

2. Whats the way for iOS? since the native class is different than in android (and weekHeightRequest does not exist)

Telerik team
commented on 10 Oct 2024, 06:16 AM

Hi Dan,

On IOS the Calendar is different control than Android. You can review the native API. Here are the ViewModes described: 

If you want to modify the MultiDayView, you have to use the native presenter. Here is the renderer implementation.

using App3.iOS;
using Telerik.XamarinForms.Input;
using Telerik.XamarinForms.InputRenderer.iOS;
using TelerikUI;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;

[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(RadCalendar), typeof(CustomCalendarRenderer))]

namespace App3.iOS
    public class CustomCalendarRenderer : CalendarRenderer
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<RadCalendar> e)

            var control = this.Control as TKExtendedCalendar;
            if (control != null)
                TKCalendarMultiDayViewPresenter mpr = (TKCalendarMultiDayViewPresenter)control.Presenter;
                mpr.Style.DayNameCellHeight = 10;
                mpr.Style.BackgroundColor = UIKit.UIColor.Blue;

This is just a suggestion. You can review the native API and styling options of the native iOS Calendar control. 


Calendar - Xamarin.Android Calendar & Scheduling
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