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Mobile view mouse/touch events

1 Answer 97 Views
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Dev O'Reilly
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Dev O'Reilly asked on 14 Sep 2015, 07:38 PM
I am trying to allow the touch events in mobile view to NOT have the scheduler take over the screen because once it does a drag no longer moves the page up/down and it ends upstopping the viewer from seeing controls outside of the schedule that are for filtering the dataset. How can I get the events to allow page scrolling when over the scheduler? I have tried using the kendoTouch to do a scroll based on the e.touch.y.position and it works except the scheduler fights it to set it as the 0 point. We need to keep the scheduler from fighting the kendoTouch events.

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Vladimir Iliev
Telerik team
answered on 16 Sep 2015, 03:40 PM

Please note that the described issue with scrolling in mobile mode (where the other widgets are not visible) of the Scheduler is already fixed and the fix will be available with Kendo UI 2015 Q3 official release. That why I would suggest to wait the official release and skip creating the custom solution which you are currently after.

Vladimir Iliev
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Dev O'Reilly
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Vladimir Iliev
Telerik team
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