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derrick asked on 18 Jun 2024, 07:45 PM

I have downloaded the newest version of kendo ui 2024.2.514 and downloaded the @progress/kendo-svg-icons seperately. I am having an issue with getting the icon to render properly I tried importing using "import * as svgIcons from './@progress/kendo-svg-icons/dist/index.js';" fixed the error of forbidden access. I believe the issue is when related to the import of svgIcons.

If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

Telerik team
commented on 20 Jun 2024, 09:29 PM

Hello derrick,

The SVG icons are included in the Kendo theme and you don't have to import them.

More on how to use the SVG icons in your project you can find in the below article:




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commented on 20 Jun 2024, 09:52 PM | edited

I should as specify that this is kendo ui  core if that makes a difference. The reason I thought that I need the @progress/kendo-svg-icon is that I was getting an error in the console.

Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "@progress/kendo-svg-icons". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".

When I went to inspect kendo.icon.js file the importation of (import * as svgIcons from '@progress/kendo-svg-icons';)  module fails. which results in the error of kendo ui components.

jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).kendoDatePicker is not a function TypeError: $(...).kendoDatePicker is not a function

Telerik team
commented on 25 Jun 2024, 01:22 PM

Hi Derrick,

I will have to transfer the thread to the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Team.

Meanwhile here is the SVG icons documentation:


Also, please ensure you are not loading jQuery more than once in the application. This might lead to errors and Telerik UI not loading correctly.



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