We have a problem using the telerik controls on a form, a memory occupied problem, but never freed, the form uses the following controls:
• 3 DataTable.
• 1 DataSet.
One of the DataTable is populated with 10,000 records and the other 2 with 5 records, more records DataTable is populated as follows:
dtDataTable.Add("Ide", typeof(int));
We have a problem using the telerik controls on a form, a memory occupied problem, but never freed, the form uses the following controls:
• 3 DataTable.
• 1 DataSet.
One of the DataTable is populated with 10,000 records and the other 2 with 5 records, more records DataTable is populated as follows:
dtDataTable.Add("Ide", typeof(int));
"Nom", typeof(string));
dtDataTable.Rows.Add(drRow );
The Close () the form we make the following:
if(dtDataTable != null)
is in use 8 MB of those 15.The Close () the form we make the following:if;if;if;
foreach (Objeto oObjeto in ArrayObjetos)
DataRow drRow = dtDataTable.NewRow();
drRow [
"Ide"] = oObjeto .Ide;
drRow [
"Nom"] = oObjeto.Name + " " + oObjeto.LastName;dtDataTable.Rows.Add(drRow );
The Close () the form we make the following:
if(dtDataTable != null)
null;if(dtDataTable1 != null)
null;if(dtDataTable2 != null)
The question is, We are releasing resources correctly or the problem may be the way I'm filling?
Thank you very much.