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Memory leak by dynamic (online) chart

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Frederik asked on 07 Jul 2014, 06:20 AM

in our application we have built an online chart. The data is updated every two seconds and then displayed as a line. As type we use canvas. We noticed that the memory is not released cleanly and with time continues to run high. We have let our online chart run for three days. The store was in the beginning at about 130MB and then at the end at about 500MB. We have let the demo application on the Kendo UI homepage also for three days running. Here, the memory also increased continuously high. From 138MB to 656MB. Why the memory is running high and why the memory is not released clean? 

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Hristo Germanov
Telerik team
answered on 07 Jul 2014, 07:22 AM
Hello Frederik,

I have already replied to the support ticket that you have submitted on the same subject.

Hristo Germanov
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Hristo Germanov
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