MAUI date of GA

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Daniel asked on 18 May 2022, 05:39 AM


Can you please estimate when GA will be ?

When we can buy the product of MAUI?


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answered on 18 May 2022, 07:16 AM

Hello Daniel,

We are following the Microsoft cadence for releases with the aim of providing Day zero support when possible. I cannot commit to a specific date, but I will make sure to update this thread once our GA is available.

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commented on 18 May 2022, 07:19 AM | edited

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commented on 23 May 2022, 04:31 PM

Does after RC3 there is GA or there another rc ?
Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
commented on 23 May 2022, 05:57 PM

You'll have to ask Microsoft; we are under a partner NDA and cannot disclose anything Microsoft has not already made public.

Since .NET MAUI is open source, you can ask them in the MAUI GitHub repo or you can just see what David is saying on Twitter 

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commented on 23 May 2022, 07:54 PM | edited

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
commented on 23 May 2022, 08:04 PM

Excellent, the embargo is lifted.

I'd like to add one more piece of good news... you can now get Telerik UI for Maui 1.0 => Telerik UI for MAUI - Telerik UI for .NET MAUI (version 1.0.0)

That is a commercial version with a go-live license that you can compile, publish and distribute your applications to the store.

After you get a license, you will also have access to Technical Support instead of using forums => .

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commented on 23 May 2022, 08:10 PM | edited

I will tell to my boss tomorrow to buy it.

What I need to do in order to upgrade.

1. Buy license.

2.Upgrade vs to 17.3 preview 1.1 

3.Upgarde to Telerik UI for Maui 1.0

4.Do I need to do any command on PowerShell ?

5. Does the issue with  grid include already in Telerik UI for Maui 1.0?

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
commented on 23 May 2022, 08:21 PM

#1 - Yes, the preview is over.

This means you need to purchase a commercial license or do a trial. I recommend doing a trial before you purchase it, just to make sure you are fully aware of how it operates in your project in 1.0.

If you're not happy with the trial, then you'll need to remove UI for MAUI from the project and move forward without it.

If you are happy, then purchase the license and install the non-trial version. Then clean and rebuild the project, it will use the non-trial assemblies and you're good to go.

#2 - Yes

#3 - Installing Visual Studio will do this for you, just make sure .NET MAUI is selected in your workloads

#4 -  If you're on Windows, Visual Studio will install the things you need,

#5 - I am not aware of any DataGrid code changes for that work item.

If there are improvements, then it was because the platform itself has fixed underlying issues.

^You will get notified in the Bug Report thread, this is important. We try to keep information in the same place so that everyone who is concerned about a topic will be notified at the same time. You should never need to question is something is fixed/changed because that thread itself will have an up-to-date status on it.

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commented on 23 May 2022, 08:25 PM

To buy this:

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commented on 23 May 2022, 08:29 PM | edited

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
commented on 23 May 2022, 09:15 PM

Correct, that is the Bug Report link for the DataGrid problem we've been discussing.

As far as purchasing the license goes, I want to be 100% transparent so that you are not disappointed. We are working very hard to get all the features and fixes out there. Some things did not make it in time for v1.0 (like the DataGrid issue, it is still marked as Under Review (this means the MAUI team is currently investigating the issue.

Rest assured that just because it didn't go into 1.0 doesn't mean we are not working hard to get a newer version ready that has newest fixes, new controls and new features. It just means that it's not there right now.

When you get a license, you get an entire year of updates and can open support tickets during that time.

When you talk to your boss, make it clear that we are working on it, and you can get the license now so that you can use all the other stuff that you need to (and can publish your app). As new updates become available, you can update UI for MAUI in your project.

Before purchasing the license, I still recommend getting a trial license. Use that trial to check if everything is working and you know exactly where you stand before converting your trial to a paid version.

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commented on 23 May 2022, 09:18 PM

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commented on 23 May 2022, 10:17 PM | edited

Tomorrow i will download trial/paid license how is installed?

I used NuGet packages with my private name, how i move it to my boss license?

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
commented on 23 May 2022, 11:05 PM

Ask your boss to assign the license to you, this is done in just 1-2 minutes using the Manage Licensed Users portal.

  1. Your boss will log in to and go to this page => 
  2. unassign the license from himself
  3. assign the license to you

Once this is done, wait about 30-45 minutes. Then, you will see version 1.0 in your Telerik nuget server feed.

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commented on 23 May 2022, 11:11 PM | edited

i used my private licence.

Will he give me the licence or still belong to my boss?

how he will assign to me using email in my organization?

Is acceptable to do this procedure ?

Lance | Senior Manager Technical Support
Telerik team
commented on 23 May 2022, 11:22 PM

Yes, it is acceptable. This is the correct way for a business to have a developer use a Telerik license when the license is owned by the company.

  • You will not own the license; your boss/company just assigns you as the developer.
  • The boss/company can re-assign the license to another developer at any time, they own it.
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commented on 23 May 2022, 11:24 PM | edited


We are company.

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