Hello! I'm developing a master/detail with two kendo grids, as you can see in this kendo dojo: http://dojo.telerik.com/EREHO/20
When you click on a row on top master grid, in the bottom detail grid appears the selected row "projected" in different way.
You can edit the fields in detail grid and this will affect also the master grid.
But there is an unexpected behaviour: looking at bottom field (InsertionDate) in detail grid, when you edit another field the name "InsertionDate" is replaced by the name of edited field, and also the red dirty corner is applyed always at bottom field.
After some debugging I have managed to understand the something goes wrong inside function that handles 'save' event in detail grid, in particullary in these code lines:
row.set(prop, value);
selectedRow = $(
+ ctrl.selectedRowUid +
Is this some kind of kendo bug or am I achieving this behaviour in a wrong way? Do you have any suggestion for this issue?
Mattia Thiella