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Lot of problems and difference between q3 2010 and q1 2011

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jack abdallah
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jack abdallah asked on 08 Apr 2011, 02:08 PM
HI i tried to Upgrade From Q3 2010 to q1 2011 to get advantage from new updates but it seems there is lot of code changes :
1. I am not able to use collapseall() anymore
2.i am not able to bind node tag like before cause i use to fill data from table fields inside tag so i can use them after cause i return always nothing
3.i am not able to take advantage from sorting and filtering the treeview since i need drag and drop also in the treeview so i have to choose either drag or either filtering and that is not a good choice for my project cause i need to use them both
4. i am not able to clear nodes anymore like i use to do before :tree.nodes.clear
5. i am having problems with the treeview when i refill the treeview with the datasource 
and lots of changes that has made me keep working on q3 2010 and not using the q1 2011

if there any solutions for these problems i will be glade to hear about and need to know what are the new coding changes and differences between the old version and the new one cause it seems some code that use to work on the previous version not working on the new one.

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Richard Slade
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answered on 08 Apr 2011, 02:40 PM

I'd start off by reading the Q1 2011 Release Notes as this will show you the things that have changed. The RadTreeView help topic has also been updated.

At first glance when updating, the new radtreeView can seem quite a task to upgrade fromt the old one, but it is now much more powerful and flexible.

If you can state a specific scenario of what you would like to do, I'll do my best to help
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answered on 11 Apr 2011, 06:59 PM
When I see all the bugs and shortcomings of the new TreeView I wonder why Telerik did not provide a new Tree Control in parallel with the existing one as they did with many of the recently redesigned controls.
Currently there is no way to upgrade my existing projects that use the grid and treeview to Q1 2011.
Hope most bugs will be fixed in SP1.

This again leads me to my criticism about telerik upgrade strategy. To get bugfixes for existing bugs we are forced to upgrade to new feature releases that often break compatibility with existing code and introduce new bugs.

I'd opt for longer support and bugfix only updates for released versions. For example, provide one year of bugfix only builds for each released feature version.

jack abdallah
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answered on 13 Apr 2011, 07:44 AM
Yes Erwin i am with you with the idea of leaving an upgraded control at least similar to the previous ones 
cause what did happen to me is 90% of my project depends on treeview and the new treeview in q1 2011 has a lot of features, but  because of the great difference in code between the new version and the old one now i am stuck neither i can upgrade to the new version q1 2011 cause a one year project can not be Upgraded in a few hours and  neither i can handle the bugs that exist in the old version treeview so it has to be a solution for the upgraded methods in the new version that consider the difference between code or at least keeping the same code and effect as previous versions.
Julian Benkov
Telerik team
answered on 13 Apr 2011, 04:41 PM
Hi Jack,

Regarding your questions:

1. We introduced the CollapseAll method in RadTreeView in our latest release - Q1 2011.

2. We do not recommend using the Tag property for binding operations. Its purpose is to keep reference to specific context related to your application's and logic. You should use the DataBoundItem property instead.

3 and 4.
 Currently we are working to support this scenarios.

 I was not able to reproduce this issue. Please give the exact steps to reproduce the issue and send us a sample application. This will allow me to investigate the case further and provide you with accurate support.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes, Julian Benkov
the Telerik team
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Constantinos Petridis
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answered on 15 Apr 2011, 02:02 PM
In Q3 2010 version of the control, I was able to reorder nodes with drag and drop and I used the Direction property of RadTreeViewDragCancelEventArgs in DragOverNode to determine if the user is trying to move the node above/bellow or inside the target node. That way, I was able to allow or not moving a node inside another node.
In Q1 2011 version, the direction property is marked as obsolete and will be removed in the next version (currently returns only left!), how can I perform the above task without this property (I want to be able to know where the node will be placed - above, bellow or inside of the target node)?

The RadTreeView help topic has not been fully updated, at least the part about drag and drop (ex. AllowDragDropBetweenTreeViews is obsolete and should not be referenced there).

One last thing, the source code link for the new version of the winforms controls is still the old version source, Q3 2010, with only the name changed, when is the actual source code be released?
Julian Benkov
Telerik team
answered on 20 Apr 2011, 04:41 PM
Hi Constantinos,

Sorry for the introduced inconvenience.

I logged the issue in our Public Issue Tracking System. We will provide a way to achieve the desired behavior in Q2 2011 due in the middle of July. We will update the documentation accordingly. Currently, you can use the following code snippet:

void radTreeView1_DragOverNode(object sender, RadTreeViewDragCancelEventArgs e)
    if (e.TargetNode == null)
    TreeNodeElement nodeElement = e.TreeElement.GetElement(e.TargetNode);
    if (nodeElement == null || nodeElement.ItemHeight <= 0)
    double height = nodeElement.ItemHeight;
    double zone = this.radTreeView1.TreeViewElement.DragDropService.DropLocation.Y;
    if (zone <= height / 3)
        //top position
    else if (zone >= height - (height / 3) )
        //bottom position
        //target node

As to the Source Code, if I understand your description correctly, you are getting an old version of the source code while trying to access a link that claims to point to the latest version of the code. However, I was not able to reproduce the described behavior. When I navigate to the link pointed out in the attached screenshot, the Source Code that I download is correct. Could you please check the AssemblyInfo file of the TelerikCommon project? If its Telerik.WinControls.VersionNumber.Number is 2011.1.11.0419, this means that you have downloaded the correct Source Code.

All the best,
Julian Benkov
the Telerik team
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Constantinos Petridis
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answered on 20 Apr 2011, 05:07 PM
Thanks for the code snippet, I will try it :)

About the source code, the new SP1 release is fine, the problem was the 2011 Q1 original release (2011.1.11.315).
If you go to Older Versions of RadControls for WinForms then select the 2011.1.11.315 version, the source code is still the one from 2010.3.10.1326.
Telerik team
answered on 26 Apr 2011, 02:59 PM
Hi Constantinos,

I was able to reproduce the issue. Indeed, the uploaded source code is not correct. You can use the source code of Q1 2011 SP1 instead where many issues are addressed.

I updated your Telerik points for the feedback.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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jack abdallah
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Richard Slade
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jack abdallah
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Julian Benkov
Telerik team
Constantinos Petridis
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Telerik team
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