I have a kendo gird which is shown in a popup on click of link button in another grid(parent grid)
$(".styleColorsLink").on('click', function () {
var grid = gridMAPScreen.data().kendoGrid;
var dataItem = grid.dataItem($(this).closest('tr'));
var selectedSeason = dataItem["Season"];
selectedStyle = dataItem["StyleNumber"];
var selectedStyleDesc = dataItem["StyleDescription"];
var selectedMAPPrice = dataItem["MAPPrice"];
var selectedMAPDiscPercent = dataItem["MAPDiscPercent"];
var selectedExceptionWeekParticipant = dataItem["ExceptionWeekParticipant"];
var selectedExceptionWeekMAPPrice = dataItem["ExceptionWeekMAPPrice"];
var selectedMAPLTMSRP = dataItem["MAPLessThanMSRP"];
var selectedHide = dataItem["Hide"];
var selectedConfidential = dataItem["Confidential"];
var selectedCarryForward = dataItem["CarryForward"];
var initialize = false;
var selectedDS = '@viewType';
var isItemDirty = dataItem.dirty;
var dirtyFields = dataItem.dirtyFields;
toolbar:hasUpdatePermission ? [
{ name: "save", text: "Save Changes" },
{ name: "cancel", text: "Cancel Changes" }]: "",
editable: "incell",
autoBind: true, // load data during grid initialization
scrollable: true,
//resizable: true,
//reorderable: true,
navigatable: true,
columns: hasUpdatePermission ? ColorColumnOptions : ColorNonEditColumnOptions,
height: 420
// Column i need to lock in pop up kendo grid
var CarryForwardSeaColorCol = {
title: "Carryforward Season",
field: "CarryforwardSeason",
width: 130,
//Vipul Chnage
locked: true,
lockable: false,
filterable: filterableContain
var ColorLevelCodeCol = {
title: "Product Code",
field: "ProductCode",
width: 130,
filterable: filterableContain,
//template: "<span>#=StyleNumber#-#=ColorCode#</span>"
//defination of all columns
var ColorColumnOptions = [CarryForwardSeaColorCol, ColorLevelCodeCol, ColorLevelDescCol, ColorLevelLongDescCol,
MSRPLastChangeCol, MSRPPriorCol, MSRPCurrentCol, ConfirmMSRPCol, MAPLastChangeCol, MAPPriceCol, MAPDiscountCol, ExceptionParCol, ExceptionWeekPriceCol,
ExceptionWeekDiscountCol, MAPLTMSRPCol, HideCol, AddCol, ConfidentialCol, CarryforwardCol, NotesCol, ConfirmMMXAddCol];
When i do this CarryForwardSeaColorCol and ColorLevelCodeCol header show in same column.
Appreicate any help. Thanks