We have added localization of the editor tooltips etc in a localization file (kendo.nb-NO.js, but it doesn't seem to work for backColor and imageAltText. Everything else works, but not these two. Is this a known problem? Below is some of the translations for the editor:
kendo.ui.Editor.prototype.options.messages =
$.extend(kendo.ui.Editor.prototype.options.messages, {
/* These work */
bold: "Fet",
italic: "Kursiv",
underline: "Understreket",
strikethrough: "Gjennomstreket",
superscript: "Fremhevet",
/* These two doesn't work */
imageAltText: "Alternativ tekst",
backColor: "Bakgrunnsfarge"
Jan Erik
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
The issue has already been fixed and changes will take effect in the coming Q2 2013 release, which is due next week.

I have now updated to 2013.2.729 and I can't see that the problem with the translation described in the original post is fixed.
Please make sure you have upgraded correctly.

The version of the referenced Kendo.Mvc.dll file is 2013.2.729.340.
Also, what is the message for translating the new create table tool?
Jan Erik
Indeed, there was another issue, which prevented the localization string from being applied when using the Kendo UI MVC Editor. Sorry about that. The problem is now fixed and changes will take effect in the next internal and official builds.
The table editing tools can be localized via messages.createTable and...

kendo.ui.Editor.prototype.options.messages =
$.extend(kendo.ui.Editor.prototype.options.messages, {
createTable: "Lag tabell",
addColumnLeft: "Legg til kolonne til venstre",
addColumnRight: "Legg til kolonne til høyre",
addRowAbove: "Legg til rad over",
addRowBelow: "Legg til rad under",
deleteRow: "Slett rad",
deleteColumn: "Slett kolonne"
This doesn't work. Is this the correct way of doing it? I also tried finding them using the mvc wrappers, but couldn't find them in the Messages method.
Jan Erik
The provided Javascript code works on my side, that's why I suggest you to try the internal build, which will be uploaded next week. It will contain all discussed updates, including the table-editing messages in the widget's MVC wrapper.