Localization messages

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nodsec asked on 22 Oct 2022, 05:52 AM

I would like to ask, where are the localization messages in Kendo React packages. In Kendo jQuery was translation mesages included in kendo-ui package, but in React, I'm not able to found the messages. ...or in Kendo React the messages are not available and I must create messages JSON object and translate by self? 

Thanks a lot.

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Telerik team
answered on 25 Oct 2022, 04:51 PM


We have a messages repository, but currently it contains only a small number of translated messages as it is community-driven. Everything that is not already translated has to be translated manually and added to the JSON:

The globalization process combines the translation of component messages with adapting them to specific locales. Each component has a messages section showcasing, the message keys that are needed to translate each message of the component. This is an example with the Grid and under the example is the full message list:

I hope the provided information will prove helpful but do let me know if I can assist you any further on this matter.

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commented on 27 Oct 2022, 01:06 PM

Hello @Vessy, thank you very much for an answer, I understand, but isn't it a step back? In old Kendo jQuery was translations included in the package, and now there is needed to translate is manually and also watch, what was changed in never versions of KendoUI. Isn't it better, if Progress will continue to localisation its components like time before? Thanks a lot.

Telerik team
commented on 31 Oct 2022, 12:32 PM

Hello, Nodsec,

KendoReact is a pretty new product compared to the Kendo UI for jQuery one and some of the features and components available in Kendo jQuery are still to be released. When we started making components for React, we started by wrapping our existing ones for jQuery (the Kendo UI Wrappers for React) as that product was around 9 years in development and had multiple components and features ready to use. 

Now KendoReact has over 70 native components, though and and ready for React and the wrappers are deprecated as of the end of the previous (2021) year.


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