I created a demo here:
When you first run it, if you click in the Category column of the grid, you get a dropdown list to change the category value. If you choose a different value in the first row, you can see it reflected immediately in the text above the grid. That works via AngularJS's standard data binding: `First product's category: {{ products[0].Category }}`
If you click the "Change Data" button, it runs a function that calls `dataSource.data([/* different array with new data... */])`, which changes the data in the grid. That works as expected. However, after this point, the dropdown list can no longer change the data. I assume that is because, when the dropdown list is initialized, it captures a reference to the original grid data, and calling dataSource.data([...]) makes the DataSource hold a reference to a new object?
Is there a workaround for this problem? Thanks!