I have developed several widgets based on Kendo UI. For developing each of these widgets, I use a test page loading kendo Ui source files using systemJS. This only loads the required Kendo UI source files from imports and avoids compiling with Webpack or else. I can also easily debug my widgets through Kendo UI code.
Kendo UI v2023.2.606 has broken loading because of:
import { DateInput } from '@progress/kendo-dateinputs-common';
in kendo.datainput.common.js from kendoui.for.jquery.2023.2.606.commercial-source.zip.
Please fix in the distribution files.
Hi, Jack,
This issue has already been patched and the fix should be available with our next release:
Please accept my apologies about the inconvenience this has caused you.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,