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ListControl Drag&Drop with Descritpions

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Matias asked on 30 Jan 2013, 02:12 PM

I'm using the ListBox control with the Scheduler one, so when the user drags an item with description from the ListBox and drops it into the scheduler a new appointment is created. I saw the Demo you provide, however, this one uses plain RadListDataItem and RadListVisualItem. On the description of each item there's a phone number. I have created a new "Add Appointment" form to hold the phone number. My Question is: how can I Drag&Drop ListBox Items with descriptions and retrieve not only the Item text but the description too?

I've tried the following code, but "item" is always null.
Private Sub radListBox1_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs)
    If e.Button <> MouseButtons.Left Then
    End If
    If Me.isDragging Then
    End If
    Dim currentPosition As Point = e.Location
    If (Math.Abs(currentPosition.X - Me.mouseDownPosition.X) >= SystemInformation.DragSize.Width) OrElse (Math.Abs(currentPosition.Y - Me.mouseDownPosition.Y) >= SystemInformation.DragSize.Height) Then
        Me.isDragging = True
        Dim dragObject As New DragObject()
        Dim item As DescriptionTextListVisualItem = TryCast(Me.LBox1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location), DescriptionTextListVisualItem)
        If item IsNot Nothing Then
            dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Summary, item.Text)
            dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Description, item.DescriptionText)
            dragObject.Status = AppointmentFields.Summary
            TryCast(sender, RadListControl).DoDragDrop(dragObject, DragDropEffects.Copy)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Thank you very much for your time and attention,

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Telerik team
answered on 01 Feb 2013, 12:22 PM
Hello Matias,

Thank you for writing.

DescriptionTextListVisualItem is a composite element and it contains a few LigthVisualElementsWhen you call GetElementAtPoint method the result is a LigthVisualElement which is nested in the DescriptionTextListVisualItemThe parent of this LightVisualElement is the DescriptionTextListVisualItem and you can get it with the following lines of code:
Dim radElement As RadElement = Me.RadListControl1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location)
If radElement Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim item As DescriptionTextListVisualItem = radElement.FindAncestor(Of DescriptionTextListVisualItem)()
If item IsNot Nothing Then

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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answered on 01 Feb 2013, 02:05 PM
Thanks peter for your quick answer.
The code you provided was pretty helpful and I managed to return the Item Description, however, now I cannot return the Item text

This is the code as I'm using it now.
Dim radElement As RadElement = LBox1.ElementTree.GetElementAtPoint(e.Location)
If radElement Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim item As DescriptionTextListVisualItem = radElement.FindAncestor(Of DescriptionTextListVisualItem)()
If item IsNot Nothing Then
    dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Summary, item.Text) 'item.Text returns an empty string.
    dragObject.Values.Add(AppointmentFields.Description, item.DescriptionText)
    dragObject.Status = AppointmentFields.Summary
    TryCast(sender, RadListControl).DoDragDrop(dragObject, DragDropEffects.Copy)
End If
Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you again!
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answered on 01 Feb 2013, 02:11 PM
Solved the Item.text issue. The correct way to retrieve that information is Item.Data.text.
Thanks again for the time spent.
Telerik team
answered on 06 Feb 2013, 12:16 PM
Hello Matias,

I am happy that you resolved the issue the with the text and I can confirm that this approach is correct.

the Telerik team
Q3'12 SP1 of RadControls for WinForms is out now. See what's new.
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